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Canine Wellness Care

Gonzales Veterinary Services provides loving, mobile veterinary care that is tailored to your pet’s needs throughout every stage of life.

Pro-active wellness care is the key to keeping your dog healthy throughout his or her lifetime.  Regular wellness exams with our veterinarian is the best way you can be sure your dog is as healthy as they can be.  The wellness exam is a great opportunity for you to discuss any concerns you have about your dog’s health with one of our veterinary professionals.   They are also valuable in keeping your dog’s vaccines and parasite prevention up to date to avoid serious–but preventable–diseases.

During your dog’s wellness exam, our veterinarians will:

  • Discuss changes in your dog’s health with you and obtain a medical history
  • Perform a complete physical examination, discuss any findings and make recommendations
  • Perform a visual dental exam.  Dental care is very important for your dog’s overall health, especially as he gets older
  • Perform heartworm testing and preventative
  • Fecal examination for intestinal parasites and deworming as needed
  • Parasite prevention, flea/tick control as needed.
  • Microchip your pet (if he or she is not microchipped)


Vaccines have proven important in preventing serious disease in dogs and cats, but no vaccine is 100% effective or 100% free of side effects (such as allergic reaction, shock, autoimmune disease, and others). For these reasons, we design a personalized vaccine protocol for each pet, maximizing protection against the diseases your pet is likely to be exposed to.

Our current vaccine recommendations are based on up-to-date research and the incidence of disease in our area. During your pet’s exam we’ll ask you questions to assess your pet’s individual risk, based on his/her lifestyle, and then design a customized vaccine protocol. This can be modified as needed when that lifestyle changes, so be sure to let us know so we can keep your pet protected!  Please visit our canine vaccines page for more information.

Heartworm Prevention

Heartworm disease is a serious disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes and, if left untreated can be fatal for your dog.  All puppies older than 6 months and dogs need to be on heartworm prevention. Even if your dog never goes outside, heartworm disease is transmitted through the bite of a mosquito and all mosquitoes can get into houses.

Parasite Prevention and Control

There was a time when parasites like fleas, ticks, and roundworms were considered mostly a nuisance. Now, however, we know that parasites can cause serious illness and even death in pets. For example, ticks can transmit infections like Lyme disease, and fleas can transmit tapeworms and Bartonella – the bacteria that causes “cat-scratch fever” in humans. Another type of parasite, called a heartworm, is transmitted by mosquitoes. Heartworms live in your pet’s lungs and heart, causing damage to these organs, and sometimes even death. Intestinal parasites, like roundworms and hookworms, also threaten pets and are even transmissible to humans.

You may not always be able to tell if your pet has parasites. Fleas can hide under your pet’s fur, and some ticks are very tiny (only the size of a pinhead), so they are very difficult to find. Intestinal parasites like roundworms can cause diarrhea and other problems, but many infected pets don’t show any signs of illness at all.

Fortunately, we can recommend tests to tell if your pet has parasites. We can also examine your pet for evidence of fleas, ticks, or other parasites. Our expert staff can recommend medications to help control fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal parasites. Preventing parasites in your pets also helps protect children and other family members, so let’s work together to protect your pets and family.


We strongly recommend microchipping every pet.  A microchip is your pet’s permanent ID and, in the event your pet is separated from you, it may be your only means of being reunited with him or her.  For more information on Microchipping, please visit our Microchipping page.

Just as people should visit their dentist and their doctor regularly, all dogs should see their veterinarian at least once a year. Oftentimes your dog is due for vaccinations, but even if they are not, a pet’s health can change a lot in a year due to environment, stress, genetic conditions, and routine aging. By examining your dog and discussing their lifestyle and behavior with you, your veterinarian can determine if your dog may have any health issues of which you are unaware, and catch emerging health problems before they become serious.

Feline Wellness Care

We believe preventative health care is the best way to keep your beloved family cat healthier throughout his or her lifetime.

Many health changes can occur in your feline in 12 months, and we recommend all cats have at least an annual wellness exam.  If your cat is older or has medical problems, they may need even more frequent examinations.

Cats age more rapidly than humans, so one year in a cat’s life is equivalent to roughly five years in human life. Think how many health changes can occur in that time span!  Early detection of more serious conditions will help your cat avoid suffering, and early treatment is usually less costly over the long-term.

It’s also important for cats to receive annual examinations because they are masters at hiding disease.  Health issues that may be subtle can be detected by our veterinarian before they become more serious.

 Our feline wellness services include:

  • Annual or bi-annual physical exams, depending upon your cat’s age and health needs
  • Needed vaccinations and advice on how often they should be performed
  • Visual dental exam
  • Fecal analysis/internal parasite test
  • Weight monitoring, nutritional counseling
  • Diagnosis and treatment options for any medical conditions, including monitoring of chronic illnesses
  • Specific health concerns related to your cat’s breed
  • Aging considerations your cat may be facing

We believe that your cat is healthier when you are an active part of his or her health care plan. Your cat’s exam is a great time for you to share information with us about your cat and their health. We encourage you to ask any questions you may have about your cat’s health.